This Event will be held at the CPSWeek 2025. Please Check info on other events at CPSWeek 2025 website.


The transition to Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs) necessitates a shift from distributed to high-performance more centralized and zonal E/E architecture, driven by the requirements for continuous updates, better user experience, and advanced functionalities. This transformation complicates the integration of safety-critical applications due to the rapidly increasing demands on software and hardware. Traditional OEMs, relying on various suppliers, face challenges in deployment with frequent updates, resource optimization, and managing different ECU/vehicle variants. Many existing solutions lack flexibility, leading to increased testing efforts, unreliable critical functions, and timeline delays. Addressing these issues require formal description of the SW functions and communication, automation in deployment, the separation of safe and unsafe software, predictable resource utilization, and dynamic configuration of communication networks with end-to-end guarantees. This event invites presentations aiming at solutions for these challenges as well as extended issues that safety-critical and real-time systems encounter in the automotive industry.


This event invites OEMs, suppliers, silicon vendors, tool providers, experts, scientists, and leaders to exchange ideas and discuss trends. Submissions for abstracts for presentations are invited around solutions and technologies relevant to SDVs such as following but not limited to:

  • Middleware solutions for Software Defined Vehicles
  • Modeling solutions for mixed criticality systems
  • Solutions for Timing and Communication guarantees in cloud based architectures
  • Automotive Ethernet: Current State and Challenges
  • Fail-over strategies and routing latencies over Ethernet communication
  • Latency and Bandwidth management for SDV based architectures
  • Solutions to provide end to end latency guarantees
  • Core challenges in the realization of Central and Zonal Computes
  • Function offloading and strategies
  • Solutions for safe and secure over the air updates
  • Resource allocation and optimization strategies
  • Verification and Validation solutions for SDVs
  • Automotive Chiplets to support centralized architectures in SDV
  • Reliability, availability and Serviceability
  • Solutions to strengthen cybersecurity of SDVs including testing, validation and standardized frameworks

Call for Submissions

Dates to be announced soon.

Submission may come from both academia and industry with one page abstract to define challenges on relevant topic(s). Abstract must include three major components:

  • Problem Statement within the selected topic(s)
  • Specific Use Cases targeted with the porposed solution/discussion
  • Potential KPIs and Assumptions for the solutions adoption

Program Committee


Shashank Gaur

TTTech Auto


Ahsan Qamar



Thomas Bloor



Andreas Achtzehn



Thomas Kuehbeck

Woven by Toyota


Joytika Athavale


Please get in touch with shashank.gaur(at) in case you have any further questions.